Gorillas Uganda, where half of the world’s mountain gorilla population is found. These are found in Virunga slopes in Mgahinga national park and Bwindi impenetrable forest national park a dense jungle spanning about 321 sq km. There are two species from Eastern found in the eastern central African rainforest living. Gorillas in Uganda only survive in the wild and therefore one has to trek them in their natural habitant.

In Uganda, gorilla trekking permits cost 800 usd for foreign non residents and 700 usd for foreign residents offers a virtual guarantee that you will definitely see gorillas up-close and personal in a relaxed even docile, mood for one unforgettable hour. For gorilla habituation, the fee is 1500 usd for foreign non residents and 1000 usd for foreign residents. Reaching to these gorillas needs fitness since the going is not easy wit tangled vines and vegetation sprawled across steep muddy terrain.. this counter normally lasts just one hour although there is a another extended experience in an exciting gorilla habituation which takes four hours. This provides a fascinating insight into one of the world’s most endangered animals. Today, Bwindi impenetrable forest has fully habituated families available for trekking.

The trekking day starts at the park headquarters where guests are allocated their gorilla group and guide before being briefed on essential rules or dos and don’ts that help protect both primates and people at around 8:00 AM. Interestingly, Bwindi impenetrable forest has several sectors for example; Buhoma sector, Nkuringo sector, Rushaga sector and Ruhija sector all with different gorilla groups and families. Being in the presence of these gorillas is a truly moving and incredible experience. The group or family usually has 10 to 50 members with a dominant male silverback as the head of the family.

Whichever option you choose, trekking gorillas in Uganda is extraordinary and memorable, evoking a deep connection in a truly enriching and unforgettable experience. Interestingly, while in their presence, a curious juvenile might want to tap on anything that distracts its attention,  jumping from one branch to another, grunting and grumbling to communicate their unique feelings but in the end, you are definitely ignored. Gorillas aren’t the only primates in Uganda; chimpanzees are also unique primates in Kibale national park which is a home to habituated groups of chimps. The tour costs 250 usd per person for foreign non residents and 200 usd for foreign residents. Of course other parks such as queen Elizabeth, Murchison falls national park and kanyanchu chimpanzee community. Observing these playful primates is also a rare treat. They also live in communities of up to 150 members which are divided into smaller groups. These are also known to be human’s closest genetic relatives sharing 98% of DNA.

More still, Bwindi national impenetrable forest and Mgahinga national parks as  habitants for the gorillas Uganda have some other interesting activities one can engage in besides gorilla trekking. For example; birding, batwa cultural experiences, nature walks, community visits, hiking to mention but a few. These activities are also included in the gorilla trekking packages that Range Land Safaris offers.

Some of the Affordable Uganda gorilla encounters include;

3 days gorilla trekking bwindi experience

7 days climbing lions and gorilla trekking Uganda

9 days safari adventure, Uganda chimps and gorillas

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